3 Top Reasons Your Weight Loss Routine Isn’t Working

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If you’re making weight loss efforts, your typical program isn’t working.

Even though you may be doing it right and losing weight, you just aren’t seeing results. This is because there are several reasons why your routine might not be helping you reach your ideal weight. The problem could even be with something as simple as the way that you’re tracking your progress.

Here Are THREE Common Reasons Why This Could Be the Case:

1.  You’re Still Drinking Sugar

A recent study published in Nutrition Research found that people who drank one sugary beverage a day were 35% more likely to gain weight than those who didn’t drink any. And when researchers compared this group with those who drank two sugary beverages per week, they found that the risk of gaining weight was almost double for those who drank two sugary beverages a week than for those who didn’t drink any.

You must switch it up if you drink black coffee or soda daily. Try swapping out the sweetener for something like stevia or coconut sugar. Or try making iced coffee with a bit of coconut milk instead of cream.

The same goes for your favorite tea — if it has artificial sweeteners, switch it to something organic and natural, like chamomile or mint tea.

2.  You are Losing Weight Gradually

Weight loss is a long-term process that requires consistency and dedication. It also takes time to see results. It’s easy to get overwhelmed when trying to lose weight. Instead of breaking down your goal into smaller ones, write one big goal on paper and then break it down into smaller steps. For example, if your goal is to lose 10 pounds in two months, create milestones along the way to help you reach that goal. For example: “I’ll weigh myself daily and log my food intake for a week each month.” Once you have those milestones in place, set a date for achieving each milestone. Then celebrate each time you meet the next milestone.

If you feel you don’t have the time or the energy to lose weight gradually, then CoolSculpting at 22 Spa MD could help. The CoolSculpting machine targets fat cells by freezing them with cryolipolysis technology, and it works by targeting the fat cells below the skin’s surface. The procedure is painless, and no anesthesia is required. The time it takes to lose inches varies from patient to patient, but the average person can expect to see results in about two months.

3.  You’re Not Sleeping Well

Your body needs rest to function properly. When you don’t get enough sleep, it can impact your energy, mood, and weight.

The National Sleep Foundation recommends adults get between seven and nine hours of sleep each night. For most people, this means going to bed at a reasonable hour (between 11 p.m. and 7 a.m.), getting up at the same time every day, and napping when needed during the workday — ideally 30 minutes or less, if possible.

If you’re not getting enough sleep or having trouble sleeping, talk with your doctor about any medications or supplements that might affect your sleep quality or duration.

The Bottom Line

So, if you’re having trouble losing weight, consider these factors. You may find that tweaking your routine is the key to making progress. Regardless of what changes you decide to make, take action sooner rather than later—many people desperately need encouragement to live a healthier lifestyle and are counting on you. Make count today and do what you can to lead a healthier, happier life!

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