How Double Pane Window Replacement Inserts Are Done?

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Every product has some life. Above which, replacement is the only option that people choose to keep enjoying the features for another period. Insulated glass windows are among such products that remain functional for a span of more than a decade. However, double pane windows replacement inserts are costly when you hire a professional for installation but you only need a few tools and a medium level of skill to DIY a double pane replacement project. If you have attention to detail, you can DIY replace double pane windows and save a good amount of money. In this guide, you will learn the procedure to replace a double pane window. However, before learning that, let’s find out when do we need to replace double pane windows.

Also Read: Why You Should Consider Changing Your Windows

When Do Double Pane Window Replacement Inserts Become Essential?

There are serious reasons for replacing such costly IGU units. In short, the features that these windows provide become less effective for completely non-effective. It happens when insulated windows become too old to provide heat and sound insulation. Usually, a good-quality dual pane window lasts for no less than 20 years. If your energy-efficient window is older than this time, you may expect less performance from these windows. This is the time when you should go with double pane windows replacement insert and enjoy another two decades. Following are some other reasons when you should replace your dual pane energy-efficient windows:

  • When your window seal becomes cracked
  • Window glass cracked with a heavy impact
  • When you brought a poor-quality window

Required Tools:

  • Razor knife
  • A heavy-duty vacuum suction cup
  • Putty knife
  • Double sticky tape
  • Glass cleaner spray
  • Double pane glass

How to Replace a Double Pane Window?

  1. From the interior side of the window, put the razor knife between the glass and the window frame to cut out the double sticky tape. 
  2. Go all the way around the edges of the glass and the window.
  3. From the exterior side of the window, pup the vinyl window all the way around the edges of the glass and window.

Caution: Sometimes the vinyl window gets brittle by extreme exposure to the sun. So, you have to be careful that it won’t break. Otherwise, you will also have to bear the replacement cost for the window frame too.

  1. Use a heavy-duty vacuum suction cup for the glass lifter, and remove the glass carefully with a mild outward force.
  2. Use a putty knife to scrape off all the old double sticky tape and make it clear. Try as much as you can to scrape off this for good sticky results.
  3. Apply a new double sticky tape along all the four sides of the window, and pull the double tape cover off 
  4. Spray the glass cleaner on the tape so the glass will not stick too quickly and you can adjust the glass pane after placing it on the window frame. 
  5. Pick the new double pane glass with the help of the vacuum suction cup and carefully put the pane on the window so it sticks just in the middle of the window.
  6. Once the glass cleaner evaporates, the double-pane will stick to the frame just like it came from the factory.
  7. Put the vinyl frame pieces back into place with thumb pressures, and remove the vacuum suction cup, and you are done!

Tips to Keep Your Insulated Glass Windows Durable

  • The biggest trouble-causing factor in every double pane window is the seal which may sometimes break and provide a safe haven for the moisture to reduce the window life. So use a window shutter to stop the effects of heavy winds or weather fluctuations that weaken the window seals. 
  • The second most vulnerable part of the double-pane window is the glass panes that may crack or break down due to a heavy impact. Use protective window film to safeguard the glass and avoid possible damage. 
  • Use a glass cleaner with a piece of microfiber glass cleaning cloth every time you clean the window pane.
  • Apply window squeegee to keep the window pane nice and dry for a long-life utility.

In A Nutshell

Window replacement is a costly service if taken from a professional. Especially, if you want to replace an energy-efficient dual pane glass window. Save a big amount and DIY this project and become a master even if you have an average level of skill. All you need to do is be careful when installing the dual glass pane and fix it to the window frame while following the above mentioned tips to enhance the durability of dual pane windows.

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