What You Need To Know About Facial Thread Lifts:  How It Works, Procedure, and Benefits

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  • Post last modified:July 15, 2022

Medical practitioners addressed initial issues of facial skin laxity with facelift surgeries. But, though this approach of using skin resurfacing or injectable compounds until facelift surgery becomes essential works for many people, some people still cannot or are unwilling to perform surgery. 

So for those that fall into this group, especially some residents in Sydney, a new procedure was developed to bridge the gap between facelift surgery and facial rejuvenation called the thread lift. Read on to find all you need to know about this procedure.

How It Works 

Thread lift works by threading thin and dissolvable sutures under the skin. This helps the doctor pull the skin tight from the torso, neck, or forehead. 

When the thread is inserted, the body triggers a healing response. In addition, these threads underneath your skin will not injure you since your body will detect the structure material and stimulate collagen production. 

Moreover, experts at Sydney skin care clinic also opine that this thread will dissolve over some months by the body and stimulate collagen during this process which could last up to a year. 


Though the thread lift procedure is dependent on the area that is being targeted and also the provider preferences, it uses the same basic technique. 

  • After reclining in the procedure room, the doctor will use topical anesthetic and alcohol to prepare for the surgery through skin application.
  • Threads will be inserted under the skin with a cannula or thin needle. This could take about 45 minutes. 
  • After the insertion, the doctor will remove the insertion method. You might feel tightening or light pressure underneath your skin.
  • The procedure is usually completed minutes after removing the needles, and you can return to work or home.


There are several benefits of this method. Let’s find out some of them.

  • No scarring

This procedure is non-invasive and low risk. In addition, there is almost no risk of scarring, which is often a concern for most people undergoing a surgical facelift. 

  • Shorter recovery time

As against facelift, thread lift has a shorter recovery time. It doesn’t need heavy sedation and is minimally invasive. When you use this method, recovery is more effortless. Surgeons usually perform this method on people who are under local anesthetic. 

This means you can get home after the procedure and don’t need aftercare. Usually, a facelift will take about two weeks to heal after the procedure. 

  • Reduced chance of complications or side effects

Since this procedure is less invasive, people who use this method have a low risk of complications. And since this procedure doesn’t require a general anesthetic, those undergoing this procedure have a lesser chance of developing side effects common with a general anesthetic. 

Wrap Up 

As one gets older, the skin changes. It loses elasticity and strength over time and leads to wrinkles and sagging. In addition, you might notice looser and drooping skin as the face cartilage changes. 

An option that makes your face younger is a facial thread lift. Apart from being minimally invasive, the recovery time is less and less expensive.

Don't Miss Out!


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