5 Less Known Foods & Supplements That Elevate Your Mood

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You can rely on these foods and supplements to elevate your mood almost instantly. Some of these can be found in your kitchen and others are just there on your dining table. The rest are available in pill form. You just have to take your pick. If you want to be happy and healthy, filled with positive vibes all day long, you must do it right away. Let’s find out what these foods and supplements are:

Bananas & Substitutes

You can go bananas over bananas and nobody would mind. These are not only rich in iron and potassium but also vitamin B6. Some people say that they can reverse aging. Do you believe that? The only way to find out is to eat at least 2 bananas every day. They keep your blood sugar level in control and your mood swings a little less swinging. If bananas are not your taste, you can always invest in the right potassium, vitamin B6, and vitamin C supplements to make up for it. 

Coffee, The Placebo

Coffee is one of the most popular drinks across continents. It can make the world a lot happier, especially if it is taken in the right quantities. It is high in a naturally occurring compound called adenosine. This can keep you miles away from tiredness and lethargy. You feel more alert because of this very compound. According to an independent study, both caffeine and caffeine-free coffee are capable of improving your mood significantly. Some of these even work as placebo beverages to keep you happy and alert all day long.

Citrus Fruits & Supplements

Do you know how effective berries and citrus fruits can be when it comes to elevating your mood? Extremely! Go for the organic variety because they contain real vitamins and minerals which are the real deal. You can also find an abundance of vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin B, antioxidants, and anthocyanins in the right supplements if you find it difficult to incorporate so many foods into your daily diet. 

Yogurt And Stuff

Fermented foods are your best friends. If you are fond of yogurt or kimchi or any other fermented item that contains good bacteria, you are sorted. You do not have to look for any other thing in your nearest grocery store to elevate your mood. Do you know that close to 90% of your serotonin is produced by your gut microbiome? You keep your gut happy, you can keep your mind happy.

Go Nuts Over Nuts

Nuts and seeds are a great source of natural and plant-based proteins. They are also a fantastic source of healthy fats and fiber. You can eat a fistful of almonds, walnuts, cashews, and pistachios and keep yourself happy every day. They also lower the risk of depression by almost 23% when consumed in regulated quantities.

Also Read: 4 Evergreen Ways To Bring Ease And Comfort In Your Life


Wouldn’t you want to try this tasty way of keeping yourself happy throughout the day? These were only a few food items but the list is practically endless. But let’s start with these tips for now.

Don't Miss Out!


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