6 Ways to Improve your Digestive Health

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Everyone wants to be as healthy as a horse. We all want to pay fewer visits to the hospital and enjoy a blissful and wholesome life with friends, family, and loved ones. But, in our earnest pursuit of optimal health, we often ignore the small things. And, sometimes, it’s these small things that matter. 

While your digestive health may seem “trivial” or less important compared to other “important” aspects of your health or lifestyle, you should understand that without a robust digestive system, your body will lack the nutrients to function optimally. And without the right nutrients, your body may succumb to many health conditions. 

Of course, you wouldn’t want that to happen. We wouldn’t, either. To help, we have highlighted five ways to improve your digestive health. 

1. Limit Foods That are High in Fat

Are you a fan of foods that are high in fat? Foods like butter, fatty meat, and poultry skin can reduce the digestive process, increasing your risk of constipation. However, this doesn’t mean you should avoid fatty foods completely. You need some healthy fat in your diet. Common examples of healthy fatty foods are:

  • Avocado
  • Cheese
  • Nuts
  • Eggs
  • Chia seeds
  • Olives

You can consider combining fatty foods with high-fiber foods to balance things up.

2. Consider Apple Cider Vinegar.

Another way to boost digestion is by incorporating apple cider vinegar into your diet. For those who aren’t aware, apple cider vinegar is a cider derived from apples. It boasts many therapeutic benefits, such as lowering low blood sugar levels and aiding weight loss and digestion. 

If you aren’t a fan of the liquid version, you can consider taking Apple cider vinegar gummies. They share the same benefits as apple cider vinegar. Plus, you can easily take them on the go.

3. Go For Lean Meats

Protein makes up a good part of a healthy diet, but consuming a high amount of fatty meat, a good source of protein can result in digestive issues

When you visit the grocery store to buy meat, go for lean cuts, like beef, lamb, veal, pork, turkey, and chicken breasts. And while eating, ensure you reduce your portion size to discourage overeating. Also, try to fill your plate with fiber-rich whole grains, vegetables, and fruits.

4. Eat on Schedule

Do you eat lunch at the same time every day or whenever you like? Eating your meals on a regular schedule can help improve your digestive system. You can create a meal timetable to ensure that you eat breakfast, lunch, dinner, and even snacks at the same time every day. Setting the alarm will be a good way to stick to your meal time.

5. Drink Enough Water

Your doctor must have said this to you. Regardless, we’ll still re-emphasize the importance of drinking enough water.

To stay hydrated, aim for 3.7 liters of water daily if you are a man and 2.7 liters of water daily if you are a woman. Taking enough water is one of the easiest ways to stay healthy. Plus, it’s good for your digestive health and helps soften your stool, thus preventing constipation.

6. Eat Insoluble and Soluble Fiber.

Rather than consume just oats, peas, beans, apples, citrus fruits, carrots, and barley, all of which are soluble fiber foods, we recommend consuming both types of fibers as they are beneficial to the digestive system.

Insoluble fibers, aka roughages, are indigestible; thus, they add bulk to the stools. Soluble fibers, on the other hand, extract water and can stop stools that are too watery. Common sources of insoluble fibers are:

  • Vegetables
  • Whole grains
  • Wheat bran
  • Potatoes
  • Green beans
  • Whole-wheat flour


A good digestive system will ensure your body gets the nutrients it needs to perform optimally. So as you go about your daily life, aim to prioritize meals and activities that benefit your digestive health. Failure to do so may result in a lot of discomfort and conditions like heartburn, irritable bowel syndrome, etc.

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