4 Reasons Why Facelifts Are The New Facials

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In the past few years, facelifts used to be considered a procedure that was only for people over the age of 60. These days, many people are getting facelifts preemptively in order to prevent early signs of aging as well. There may be times when you do not see what you used to remember in the mirror. This can make you think of quite a few different options in order to give your face that youthful glow once again. If your facials, creams, and beauty treatments are not working fine, it might be time to consider a minor facelift. Here are a few reasons why facelifts are the new facials.

It targets multiple signs of aging

As we grow older, our skin tends to lose elasticity and collagen production, which leads to various ailments such as wrinkles and fine lines. No one can stop the natural aging process, but we can prevent its consequences for quite a while. Things such as smoking, sun damage, and the anxiety of daily life can also add to these issues in our skin. Getting a facelift can ensure that you restore your youthful appearance and make your skin look tighter and better. This can deal with issues such as sagging skin, creases, and deep wrinkles in the face. If you have a problem with your crow’s feet or mouth wrinkles, a facelift might be the best option.

Also Read: Aging Gracefully: How Clinical Procedures Can Help

It can deal with a double chin

Often, sagging skin can lead to a whole new box of problems, such as a double chin. If you have extra skin near your chin and your face or have excess fat that has formed in that area, you can easily deal with this by getting a facelift done. According to people who have gotten a facelift by Dr. Repta, they find their skin to be rejuvenated after the procedure. This can give you more refined facial contours by repositioning the tissue, lifting the muscle, and sculpting the skin. You can also remove excess skin in this procedure.

Reduce deep wrinkles

If you feel less confident due to the deep wrinkles setting in your face over time, you can think of getting a facelift done. When there is reduced collagen production in the body, the skin does not have as much elasticity as it used to before. Deep wrinkles usually form in between the nose and the mouth, due to smiling or squinting over the years. There are also marionette lines that form in between the mouth and chin.

You can get this at any age

There is no age restriction or limit as to when one can get a facelift done. Most people tend to get it done between the age of 65 and 50, but if you have some excessive sagging skin or even some unwanted wrinkles, you can get it done at an earlier stage. There are many kinds of techniques that you can choose from in a facelift procedure. You can discuss these options with your surgeon during consultation.

No one wants to deal with the signs of aging prematurely. Facelifts are quite effective and safe procedures that can give you your glow back in no time. 

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