Can you get rid of acne and its scars? Find out here

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Acne is a common skin condition among people. Both gentlemen and women are prone to acne and pimples. Some people have spots when puberty hits them, and it gets fine after a few years. But many people suffer from acne even afterward. People can get pimple problems for many reasons, such as heredity, eating habits, skin type, allergies to various products, etc. 

According to experts, acne can cause emotional distress and anxiety. You can have pimples on your face, back, shoulders, etc. Many people also have scars from acne, which further decreases self-confidence. If you are facing acne, this post is for you. There are several acne treatments that you can use to get rid of pimples and also reduce scars to get smoother skin. Read on to find out how! 

Different ways to clear out acne and its scars

There are different medical treatments for people with severe acne issues. The choice of therapy depends on the severity of the condition. Your dermatologist will suggest whether you need invasive or prescription medicines to cure the acne and scar problem. According to the best dermatologist at Regency Specialties, the skin gets better within the first few sittings of any cosmetic treatment. Here we mention some commonly used acne treatments that also help reduce scars. 

Medical therapies for acne 


 Here, the doctors use microneedles to prick your skin and help it produce more collagen. Collagen is famous for smoothening the skin’s appearance. The skin starts to produce more collagen to heal the minor wounds caused by pricking. It helps heal acne, scars, surgical scars, sagging skin, sun damage, etc. Your dermatologist will give you medication to depress the acne before starting with the micro-needling process, as it is the most effective on depressed pimples and scars. Many studies also recommend integrating micro-needling with other treatments like Vitamin C or PRP for the best results. 

Chemical Peels 

Chemical peels are commonly used for treating various skin conditions, one of which is acne. Using chemical peels, other issues you can resolve are sun damage, melasma, freckles, dark spots, etc. When you pick a chemical peel for treating acne, the dermatologist will apply a peel containing glycolic, amino fruit, or lactic acids. The selection of chemicals will depend on the severity of the condition and the skin. Many people buy non-prescribed chemical peels, which are not as effective as the one that a healthcare provider applies. 

Medication for treating acne 

Dermatologists use various medications to treat pimple and scar problems, such as: 

  • Benzoyl peroxide: It is available in pharmacies as leave-on gel or facewash. This chemical directly targets the bacteria and kills them before they aggravate acne. 
  • Salicylic acid: You can buy this in the form of a foam wash or lotion. Salicylic acid helps to remove damaged skin layers from the affected area. As a result, the hair follicles do not clog on your skin.

Also Read: 5 Ways to Improve Aesthetics of your Face

Final Words

While getting acne is not in your hands, getting rid of it can be. You should consult a good dermatologist and speak about the various treatments to help solve your acne and scar problems. Ensure the dermatologist is board-certified. It would help if you discussed your expectations for the treatment and your budget so that the doctor can suggest the best treatment plan. 

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