Why Cluttercore is the Design Rebellion We Need

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Move over, minimalism, there’s a new sheriff in town – and its name is Cluttercore. This vibrant, maximalist design trend throws the rulebook out the window, celebrating abundance, personality, and the joy of things that make you happy. Forget sterile white walls and perfectly curated shelves; cluttercore is all about layering, mixing, and telling your story through a curated cacophony of colors, textures, and beloved objects.

What is Cluttercore?

Unlike its messy cousin, hoarding, cluttercore is a carefully curated aesthetic. It’s about displaying your treasures in a way that sparks joy and tells your unique story.

Vintage finds mingle with modern pieces, clashing patterns dance together, and every surface becomes a canvas for self-expression.

Think grandma’s china displayed alongside quirky collectibles, mismatched prints layered on the walls, and overflowing bookshelves bursting with character.

Why is Cluttercore Trending?

In a world increasingly dominated by digital perfection and manufactured experiences, cluttercore offers a refreshing antidote.

It’s a rebellion against the pressure to conform, a celebration of individuality, and a reminder that beauty can be found in the unexpected.

It’s also a sustainable choice, encouraging us to cherish what we already own and breathe new life into old treasures.

Cluttercore vs Maximalism

Cluttercore and maximalism both embrace the “more is more” approach but with key differences. Maximalism is curated chaos, using bold design and layering to create impact.

Cluttercore celebrates personal meaning, overflowing with cherished items in a nostalgic, joyful chaos. Choose the style that speaks to your heart: maximalism for bold statements, cluttercore for cozy memories.

Key Elements of Cluttercore:

Layers and Textures:

Cluttercore revels in the visual and tactile stimulation provided by layers and textures. Consider mixing and matching various patterns on throw pillows, blankets, and rugs.

Layer different textures like faux fur, knits, and woven fabrics for a cozy and inviting atmosphere. Tapestries on walls can add a touch of bohemian flair, creating a space that invites exploration and relaxation.

Instagram @notaminimalist

Vintage Finds:

The heart of cluttercore lies in the charm of vintage treasures. Explore flea markets, thrift stores, and antique shops to discover unique items with history and character.

Old-world furniture, quirky collectibles, and family heirlooms can be artfully integrated, transforming your space into a curated museum of personal memories.

Erica Tanov’s home via mothermag.com

Bold Colors:

Cluttercore boldly defies the conventional color palette, encouraging the use of vibrant hues and playful combinations. Think beyond neutrals and embrace bold colors that resonate with your personality.

Mix and match contrasting shades to create a lively and energetic environment. From vibrant wall colors to eclectic furniture choices, let your space become a canvas for self-expression.


Plants Galore:

Bring the outdoors inside with an abundance of greenery. Cluttercore enthusiasts often adorn their spaces with lush plants and hanging baskets, creating a harmonious blend of nature and eclectic design.

Incorporating plants not only adds a touch of freshness but also contributes to a positive and vibrant atmosphere.

Personal Touches:

Cluttercore is a celebration of individuality, and personal touches are key. Display framed photos, artwork that reflects your passions, and objects that tell your unique story.

Whether it’s a collection of vintage cameras or handmade crafts, infuse your space with elements that resonate with your interests and experiences.


DIY Spirit:

Unleash your creativity with a do-it-yourself approach. Embrace the DIY spirit by upcycling old furniture or creating unique decorative pieces.

Consider repurposing old doors into a rustic coffee table or turning vintage crates into wall shelves. Your handmade creations will add an extra layer of authenticity to your cluttercore haven.

Photo by Marianna Troiani

How to Get the Cluttercore Look:

1. Start with a Clean Slate:

Begin by decluttering your space, but don’t strip it of personality. Keep items that bring you joy and hold sentimental value.

A cluttercore space is not about eliminating possessions but about cherishing and showcasing them intentionally.

2. Layer It Up:

Fearlessly mix and match patterns, textures, and colors. Experiment with combinations that may seem unconventional – it’s the unexpected pairings that often contribute to the charm of cluttercore.

Layering creates visual interest and depth, making your space a captivating and dynamic environment.

3. Embrace Vintage Finds:

Venture into thrift stores and antique shops to unearth hidden gems. Vintage furniture, trinkets, and accessories can inject a sense of nostalgia and uniqueness into your space.

Each piece you find has a story to tell, adding to the rich tapestry of your cluttercore design.

4. Let Your Personality Shine:

The essence of cluttercore lies in the personal touch. Display items that reflect your hobbies, passions, and interests.

Whether it’s a collection of vintage vinyl records or a wall adorned with travel memorabilia, let your space be a reflection of your true self.

5. Don’t Overthink It:

Cluttercore is all about spontaneity and creativity. There are no strict rules – if it makes you happy, it belongs in your space.

Allow your intuition to guide you, and don’t worry about conforming to traditional design norms. Your cluttercore haven should be a place where you feel free to express yourself without inhibition.

Cluttercore is more than just a design trend; it’s a philosophy. It’s about surrounding yourself with the things you love, cherishing your personal history, and celebrating the beauty of imperfection. So, ditch the pressure to declutter and embrace the joyful chaos of cluttercore. Your home, and your heart, will thank you for it.

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