Preparing For Rhinoplasty – 9 Quick & Easy Things To Remember Always

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  • Post last modified:August 29, 2022

Preparing for rhinoplasty is very easy. If you have made up your mind to get your nose changed which can be for any reason such as:

  • Aesthetic appeal 
  • Birth defects 
  • Broken nose 
  • Breathing problems 
  • Cancer treatment 
  • Deviated septum

It is better to be aware of a few things that can help you prepare for this procedure.

Rhinoplasty refers to a surgical operation of your nose to improve its breathing ability, alter its appearance, or both. It is very popularly known as a nose job. Typical nose surgery requires that you go for an initial assessment of the problem. This gives you a lot more clarity as to whether you should get this procedure in the first place or not. When you have enough knowledge and have compared the different procedures offered by different surgeons, you are in a better position to make a decision.

Also Read: Everything You Should Know About Fixing a Crooked Nose

Pre Surgery Precautions To Remember

Now, this is a very critical aspect of the entire procedure. When you have made up your mind to get this surgery done, you also need to prepare your body and mind well for it. According to plastic surgeon Dr. Chamata, the first thing that you can do is avoid any delays when arriving for the surgery. 

  1. The nurse is going to check your vitals and ask a few questions, so you must show up for the procedure at least half an hour earlier.
  1. If there are any preparations to be made before the general anesthesia, the anesthesiologist is going to do that as well.
  1. The physician on call will help you understand the medications that will be given to you and review them with you. He/she will also explain any potential risks or side effects involved which are going to be minimum.
  1. You will be then handed over a hospital gown before the surgery begins. You will have to make sure that you wear something comfortable and easy to change in and out of.
  1. Remember to follow all the rules of the clinic before you enter, especially the ones regarding makeup, piercings, or nail polish. It is better to avoid all these items altogether.
  1. If you have any jewelry items on you, it is preferred that you leave them at home and do not wear them to the clinic. 
  1. Also, if you wear any contact lenses or glasses, you will have to remove them before the procedure begins.
  1. You will be asked to eat a lot of nutritious food for at least three weeks following the rhinoplasty procedure. So focus on a lot of healthy proteins and good fats so that your body can recover from the procedure faster.
  1. You will be advised to discontinue a few medications such as anti-inflammatory drugs and Aspirin as well because they tend to thin your blood.

Final Thoughts

Rhinoplasty is a very minor procedure that does not result in any complications or side effects. It can be done within just a few hours and the results are visibly appealing for a majority of patients.

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