Stay Beautiful After Laser Hair Removal: 5 Post Treatment Tips To Follow

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  • Post last modified:February 15, 2022

Caring for your skin after you have gone through a laser hair removal procedure is very important. Your skin is very sensitive when it is exposed to hot beams of the laser. The hair follicle is already destroyed. You will notice a lot of redness and bumps on your skin but that is normal. It is not going to hurt or cause you any irritation but you still have to be very careful when taking care of your skin. Let’s have a look at a few things that you should do after this treatment:

1. Avoid The Sun

Try not to go out in the sun at all. If you have had this treatment on your face, your neck, shoulders, your arms, or your legs, make sure to cover these areas with cotton attire that allows for your skin to breathe. Do not go out in the sun at all for at least 48 hours after the treatment. Apply a mild sunscreen lotion to your skin even when you are indoors. Use at least SPF 30 regularly and religiously for at least two months after the treatment.

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2. Remember To Exfoliate Your Skin

This step should be carried out after at least 5 or 6 days of the treatment. Your doctor is going to advise you to exfoliate gently with an organic scrub to make sure that the hair shedding is constant and your skin gets rejuvenated preventing any ingrown hairs. You will also notice new hair growth as days pass by and it will be pushing the old hair strands and follicles out. The new hair growth is going to be very fine and subtle as compared to what it used to be before the treatment. 

3. Clean The Treated Area Gently

You will have to be very careful when taking a shower or cleaning the treated area when you get back home. The moment you are done with your laser hair removal at Sistine Facial Plastic Surgery, you will be advised to wash the area with only a mild soap or a natural or organic liquid body wash. You will also be advised not to rub your skin for at least the first 48 hours after the treatment. Always make sure to pat it dry after your shower.

4. No Makeup Or Deodorant

It is advised not to use any makeup or any deodorant, spirits, or any kind of chemicals on your skin post your laser therapy. Follow this for at least 24 to 48 hours and you will be fine. You will have to keep the area clean and dry and also avoid any moisturizer to prevent any probable irritation.

5. Do Not Shave Or Wax The Area

Your surgeon is also going to advise you to refrain from waxing, trimming, or shaving the hair as it grows back again. You will be advised against using any hair removal products including wax, shaving kits, hair removal cream, and tweezers, during your laser hair treatment course. The only treatment that you should be going for is laser hair removal. This will help you get the best results from your treatment and value for money as well.


So this is it. Quite simple, isn’t it? Caring for your skin after your laser hair removal therapy is very easy. The best part is that doing this is going to give you the best results. Your entire treatment is going to be a success without having to try too hard.

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