What Should Go In And What Should Stay Out Of A Dumpster?

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Dumpsters are a great way to get rid of large amounts of waste quickly and easily, but not everything is meant to go in them.

This blog post will discuss what should go in and what should stay out of a dumpster!

Is It Recyclable?

The first thing to consider when deciding what should go in a dumpster is whether or not the item is recyclable. Many waste materials that are thrown away can actually be recycled, so it’s important to check before just throwing them in the dumpster. If an item is recyclable, there’s no need to throw it away – just put it in the recycling bin!

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Is It Hazardous?

Another thing to consider is whether or not the item is hazardous. Hazardous materials should never be thrown in a dumpster. These waste materials can pose a serious health and safety risk to those who come into contact with them. If you’re unsure whether or not an item is hazardous, err on the side of caution and don’t put it in the dumpster.

Avoid Throwing In Food Waste

Photo by Sarah Chai from Pexels

Finally, you should also avoid throwing away any food waste in a dumpster. Food waste attracts pests and can cause unpleasant odors, so it’s best to dispose of it in another way. If you have a large amount of food waste, you may want to consider composting it instead of throwing it away.

Dumpsters have many advantages when it comes to disposing of. They are usually much larger than a regular garbage can to hold more waste. This is great for large projects, such as renovating a room in your house or cleaning out your garage.

Another advantage of dumpsters is that they can be rented for a certain period of time, so you don’t have to worry about them taking up space in your yard or driveway permanently. Redbox+ in St Louis offers the best dumpster rental services! They have all sorts of Commercial and Residential dumpsters that you may need for any work you will be doing!

In general, you should only put items in a dumpster that are non-recyclable, non-hazardous, and not food waste. By following these guidelines, you can help to keep your community clean and safe! Thanks for reading!

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